Number of student organizations related to sustainability

18 April 2023 | 12:02 Code : 5007 News
Number of student organizations related to sustainability
  1. Environment Center,
  2. Health Support Center,
  3. Social Section of Islamic Culture and Civilization Association

Part of the activities:

  • Holding a plan to donate educational and textbooks of previous year students to new year students by the Environment Center (saving paper consumption)

  • Holding a project to receive books and paper waste by the Environment Center and donating stationery to students participating in this project

  • Establishment of a newly established student association of health partners in order to observe personal and environmental health in the university

  • Holding 6 courses of the Caspian Sea coast cleansing camp in Babolsar by the Association of Islamic Culture and Civilization on the shores of Babolsar

  • Arboriculture plan of the Environment Center in March of each year on the occasion of Arbor Day

  • Using paper dishes and containers in the food charity bazaar to avoid creating plastic waste - Noshirvani Charity Center

  • Using paper bags for graduation parties instead of disposable plastic bags

tags: Education Activities

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